3rd Saturday Lecture: The Extraordinary Life of Ma Sicong

11/20/2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PT


Education - CCC


  • Free



Authors Matt Crisci and Cheng Ken Chi will give a presentation on one of China's most notable violin virtuosos. Wang Jian will join as moderator, and Edward Yeung as discussant



On Saturday, November 20th, at 10 a.m. PDT, we will bring history to life, as best-selling authors M. G. Crisci and Dr. Cheng Ken Chi discuss the controversial life and times of Ma Sicong, one of China's most notable musical geniuses who composed 57 symphonies and concertos and performed hundreds of sold-out concerts around the globe. 

This multi-media lecture will offer attendees a rare glimpse into Ma's handwritten diaries, family photos, and musical excerpts.  It will feature insightful observations from Ma's last remaining family member, Dr. Chi.  Wang Jian will moderate the conversation to follow, which will include commentary by Dr. Edward Yeung.

本次演講還將提供普通話現場口譯。(This presentation will feature live interpretation in Mandarin Chinese.)

Please register to attend@https://SDSU.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYtc-qtpzwpEtZ7rKkkcg_qraRRO7TUBjpG

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