TCAE&B: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the founding father of the Republic of China (Zoom Lecture)

06/15/2024 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM PT


Education - CCC


  • Free



For our June edition of TCAE&B, Leigh-Wai Doo will give a presentation on the role of Hawaii in the life of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen.


The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is partnering with the SDSU Chinese Cultural Center to produce this monthly Zoom lecture series.

Founding President of the Sun Yat-Sen Hawaii Foundation and former Councilmember of Honolulu City, Leigh-Wai Doo will give a presentation on the important historical role that Hawaii and its people played in the life of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, the acknowledged Father of Modern China.  This role included his attending high schools at what are now known as Iolani School and Punahou School from 1879 to 1883, and later in the critical voluntary financial support he received for the revolution.

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