Support SDCHM Education Programming


We are reaching out with a heartfelt appeal for your support in ensuring the continued success of our museum. The lack of funding we currently face is seriously impacting our ability to provide educational programming that is crucial to fulfilling our mission.  We are embarking on a vital fundraising campaign to secure funding for our educational programming, and we hope you will consider becoming a partner in this endeavor.

Our Mission and Impact 

The San Diego Chinese Historical Museum is deeply committed to its mission: "To educate and inspire by preserving and celebrating the richness of Chinese history, art, and culture." For over 27 years, we have been a beacon of cultural enrichment and education in our community. 

The Challenge 

Despite our unwavering dedication, we are facing financial constraints that impact our capacity to hire and support the dedicated staff necessary to bring our educational programs to life. These programs are a vital component of our mission and serve as a bridge between generations, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation. They provide an invaluable resource for students, families, and the broader community to explore Chinese history, art, and culture.

Your Opportunity to Make a Difference 

We are seeking financial sponsorships to raise a minimum of $10,000 that will directly support our educational programming. Your contribution will have a profound impact on our museum and the community at large.

We invite you to join us on this meaningful journey by becoming a sponsor of our educational programming. Your support, whether as an individual, a corporation, or a community organization, will be highly appreciated and recognized.

We understand that each supporter's capacity to contribute varies, and we welcome donations of any size. Every dollar brings us closer to our goal and strengthens our mission.

If you would like to manage your NeonCRM account (i.e., view and print donation history, update profile, etc.), please create a login name and password . If necessary, navidate to the Member/Volunteer login page. Your password must be at least eight characters long, and contain at least one number.